Thursday, October 1, 2015

Reflection 5

This week's reflection is a bit of a jumbled mess, but that's kind of how my thoughts were this week, so I decided it was an accurate reflection of what happened.

Capture: When visiting schools this week, I noticed that of the three teachers I've seen, none of them seemed extremely passionate.

Analyze: Okay, not gonna lie. This discouraged me.  It kind of sent me into a panic. Given that I'm almost a junior, it's about time that I had an identity crisis, so I wasn't terribly surprised when it happened.

Its just that, as of late, I've rekindled my love for some old hobbies of mine, and I've been reminded of not only my skill in these areas, but how passionate I am about them. Now logically, I know that I don't want to pursue a career in any of these areas, so switching my major doesn't make sense. Just after feeling that fire, and then seeing the lack of passion from the teachers I've observed, and knowing my own limitations, I've wondered, "Can I be as passionate about technology as I need to be in order to impact lives?"

This question has been spinning circles in my head for a couple of weeks now, and watching these other teachers teach has really made me ponder if I am in the right place. And its not just about me and my personal fulfillment, but I noticed that as teachers lacked enthusiasm, so did their students. I don't want a classroom of apathy.

After a long talk with my best friend and personal reflection here's what I've come up with:

I love teaching. I know I love teaching. And I know, with practice, I have the potential to be a really good teacher. My sphere of influence is completely up to me. The subject I teach doesn't really matter. Technology, Math, English, Underwater Basket Weaving, it doesn't matter. I never decided to go into teaching because I excel at one subject over another. I chose teaching because I want to be on the front lines in helping youth.

My passion isn't a subject. My passion is people.

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