Saturday, March 2, 2013

Week 8: For With What Judgement Ye Judge

There are lots of things that are easy, but not right.  Here's a couple I think most of us are probably familiar with:
1. Making assumptions about others without the full picture
2. Comparing our weaknesses to other's strengths.

Why is it so easy for us to be so hard on ourselves and each other? Seriously. It's so dumb, but I don't know anyone that would argue that they don't sometimes succumb to these tendencies.

In 3 Ne 11-14 Christ gives a sermon after He is resurrected to the people in the America's.  One thing he councils the people to do is to "judge not." I'm not sure what kind of judgement problems existed in
34 AD, but for us, I think the kind of judgement described in this next quote from President Uchtdorf is what Christ is warning us of (well, actually I know it is, because this next quote is from a prophet, anyways, on to the quote):

 "When it comes to hating, gossiping, ignoring, ridiculing, holding grudges, or wanting to cause harm please apply the following: Stop it."

I like that. Just stop it. Stop the comparing, the evil glares, the snide marks under your breath, and the feelings of resentment whenever a hard memory comes up. Stop wishing their talents were yours, their struggles were yours, or their successes weren't so...successful.

We often quote Jesus saying "judge not" and then feel bad because "judging" such an easy trap to fall into. I wish we heard more often the quote when Jesus says "For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall also be judged" (3 Ne 14:2) followed by "Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father is also merciful" (Luke 6:36).

I think we could all use a little more mercy. Mercy in choosing not to hold the grudge, or in choosing not to say that bit of gossip no  matter how juicy it is. Mercy in choosing not to waste time wishing you looked like her, or in choosing not to feel inadequate because your weaknesses are somebody else's strengths.

When we get to the end and its time for our judgement, I think mercy is something we will all be seeking. If we really want to become more Christlike, being more merciful is a great place to start.

"For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall also be judged."

Here's a link to a Mormon Message about judging others that I really like. 

Looking Through Windows

p.s. I realize I skipped Week seven, I'm combining it with week 15, so that'll be here eventually:)

1 comment:

  1. Love you, Audrey!! We love the Mormon messages at our house!
